Saturday, September 3, 2011


School is starting I am ready all of the weeks of welcome events was fun especially Casino Royale. Many of new faces and beautiful girls. Making new friends mostly sexy mamas, got plenty more to meet. Oh Yeah

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye to:

Brandis' blinding hair

Tamri's sexual songs, poems and stories

Tajma's beautiful face

Alex's smart ass comments

Jerel always telling me to shut up

Chanel's weird looks when she has no clue what's going on

Sebastien's random blurt outs while class is going on

Joe's Rupaul impersonations

and Kelly's bird trauma


Tajma Hall - GOODBYE!!!

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Hey guys, I guess this is goodbye. 4 weeks goes by fast. We've learned a lot and I think we are all ready for college. It will be great. I want to wish everyone the best of luck in your future goals and I am sure everyone will do fine. I remember when I found out I had to do Bridge it was like a slap in the face. All my struggles with my grades through high school came from family drama that I had no control over. I pushed through, worked hard and did everything I needed to do to graduate. Then found out I had to do this program. I was upset and I felt like it was punishment. Especially when I found out some of my friends did not have to do Bridge to come to Columbia and they had worse grade than I did in high school. But overall, it helped. If anything it helped my writing for the fall. I'm happy it is over and I can now truly move on to bigger and better things. Thanks Joe and Kelly for helping me improve my writing. Hope to take one of your classes one day. The "fun" has just begun. September 6th is the first real day of "fun" . Good luck.

Sebastian Hagan

So ends another saga, it was good while it lasted friends. had some sweet times, some scary times, But fate ordains that we must part, but we only part to meet again.

Be well, do good work, and keep in touch!!! ;0

Oh and check this out!

Brandice Gilson

This was the best experience that I have ever gone through. It was super benifical to me and me getting ready for a fall semester in Columbia College Chicago. It is going to be a fun new experience to start with thousands of college students in the fall. I have learned not only things about being a college student but also learning to navigate the city. I learned to good food places, the great historical sights and the very best music venues. Having this extra month of living in the city before everyone else comes to go to school is very benificial to me. I won't be as overwhelmed with everything, like navigating my way to class or how crowded elevators can be. I learned that this is an amazing way to make yourself, to show everyone who you are without your past. No more being known as Alexandria Gilson's little sister. I am now me; Brandice Gilson. I want to create change. And I feel that Joe Eldridge and Kelly are a huge part of any change that I make. From my Artistic Translation I want to branch of and start something bigger than what I could have ever done on my own.


Thank you Kelly and Joe for the time at Bridge program. From this experience at Bridge I have learned a lot about college and the life I am getting ready to enter. Thank you Bridge for giving me an experience of Columbia College. Now I am ready to pursue my life in music. Thank You

Alex Gillespie

Well if anyone reads this I just want to say goodbye. I will not miss any of you people. Now i am just playing I want miss most of you because I will be living with most of you in the U.C. But for the people I might not see again I will miss you. So goodbye for now, until we meet again. And so long fair well to you my friends. Its been great to write and play together. But its time to say goodbye. So bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerel Gilard

The Bridge Program is almost FINALLY OVER! I'm not going to lie, I am going to miss seeing my teachers Joe, Kelly, and Nate almost everyday. In addition to learning and improving these past four weeks, I have made a well amount of new friends that I hope stay in touch during the fall semester. I feel extremely confident with my writing now even though I still have areas of improvement. In math I seen that I have forgotten a lot of important things such as binary, exponents and more but once we went over them in class it was like review for me. Without this program I would've been unprepared for college level work and most likely end up struggling. If it didn't cost so much and wasn't so stressful I would definitely go through the Bridge Program again.

Shanell: Final GoodByes

I met some interesting people. People that I thought I wouldn't like, I'm really close to.
I hope to see these people in the future. Like really close future and get their information to keep in touch.
Overall, you guys were an amazing group to get to know, to learn with and talk to, hang out with......

But, Off to the future!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tajma Hall

I love Chicago. It is a beautiful city, filled with things to explore. My favorite location in Chicago is Michigan Ave. There is the historic district. Millennium Park, the Art Institute, and the Cultural Center are a few. And my favorite is north Michigan Ave. and the Magnificent Mile. It is a major shopping attraction. There are many stores to shop at and always a crowd of people. Without Michigan Ave., Chicago would not be what it is today. It is gorgeous at night when everything is lit up.

Another historic location, I would love to visit is the Taj Mahal in India. Not only because my name is Tajma Hall, but because I have heard how beautiful it is and I want to see it for myself and get really cool pictures in front of it like Joe.

I wouldn't say my life has changed since Bridge but I will say that I know I will be better prepared when the fall semester starts. Bridge has forced me to start using my brain again and I have become a better writer and I am now more excited than ever to begin school. When I first found out I had to be in the Bridge program, I was mad as hell, not going to lie about that. But, I had to suck it up and do my best because school is important and I knew that if I made the decision to stay in Illinois for college, I would want to go to Columbia. I had a rough four years in high school but I stayed strong, worked hard and got through it. Graduating was the best feeling I have ever had. It was so sweet to walk across the stage and receive my diploma. I worked hard to get this far and I plan to do the same and better in college. So, to answer this question, yes. I know I am ready for a new life at Columbia and I am excited for new things to come. I know it will not be easy, but nothing in my life has ever been easy. I know I am strong, focused, and driven enough to handle anything Columbia throws at me. I strive to be successful and I will be. Hopefully, while doing this I can inspire others to do the same.  

Alex Gillespie

Well if you want to call the Mall of America a historic place, then that is the one I like the most. I don't know how I like that the most because I never been there. Maybe it is because of all the stories of how great the Mall of America is. People tell me how big it is. They even say the Mall of America as a theme park in it. And not even speaking about all the great stores they have in the mall. I mean there is like over 500 stores in the Mall. But it really mad me sad that when the chance I had to go I couldn't. It was because of the Bridge Program I could not go this summer. But I will go one day and it will be great.

But I like what I have seen of these historic buildings in Chicago. They are so big and tall. And they such a great meaning to it , which makes Chicago the place to be. You will always be interested in what every building or major sight in Chicago has. It is always a really cool story behind each artifact of the building.


Well I wouldn't say my life has changed in this Bridge program but it has made my life better. I have learned way more about writing then I knew before. i am also more comfortable about writing because of this program. At first I was a little worried about the math class because I thought it would be harder because of college. But I was disappointed when the math was not challenging to me in a way. I am also relieved that I was able to me new people in this journey of mine. I now have more great new friends to add to the over 1000 I have already but you can never have enough friends.

Sebastian Hagan- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

The first time I came to Chicago was for admitted student day. I came with my uncle because he had business in Chicago. So for the most part I was left alone to get to my orientation and anywhere I needed to go. After I went through the whole spiel I walked outside and for the first time really felt like I was here. Instead of taking a cab back to the hotel, which was past navy pier, I decided to walk the whole way. On the way I passed Millennium Park and the two huge cube video screens that shoot water. Finally as I was walking a strange distortion of space and light caught my gaze. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" I thought. As I walked closer I discovered a huge group of people surrounding a giant metallic... "Bean". I stood there and walked around it in awe. It’s the closest thing I’ve seen in a while. It is still my favorite thing that I have come across in Chicago. There’s still time though, I’m sure I’ll find something better eventually. As a side note, I went to Hollywood beach; I think that’s what it’s called, with my friend Keaton. It's super nice there, mostly empty beach with clear calm water. It's relaxing, and the sears tower looks tiny from there. It kind of felt like I was away from the chaos for a minute.


One way that my life has change drastically is my level of privacy. Slowly I started to become irritated with waking up every morning with someone in the shower. I CANT EVEN TAKE A PISS IN MY OWN BATHROOM. It's fine though I just go to the bathroom in the cafeteria bathroom and eat breakfast. Another thing is that for some reason or another when I try to go off and do my own thing my roommate will come with me. I NEED ALONE TIMEE!!!! I’m not rude to my roommate or anything but I just don’t want to be that guy that’s like "dude leave me alone". But i need some space after trying to fall asleep for an hour or two but I was foiled because my roommate was bore so he kept trying to wake me up. SHIT LIKE THAT. I’m a very tolerant person but, HOW CAN SOME PEOPLE NOT HAVE ANY AWAENESS THEY ARE BOTHERING SOMEONE AT SOME POINT. It’s something I need to get used to. I miss having my own room, its fun hanging out all the time but on some days you just don’t want to talk to people. At least I know I get into a mood like that on some days. All I know am I got my work cut out for me.

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 11

A historical that I really like has to be the Gateway Arch in my hometown, St. Louis, Missouri. When I was about 12 years old, my uncle used to take me inside the arch and to the top where you could see a great view of the city. My first time was terrifying because I didn't know that it was possible for the arch to sway once the wind started to blow. Once the wind started to blow and the arch began to sway I instantly became sick to my stomach and was ready to get out of there.
Visiting Chicago, one of my favorite characteristics about this city has been the skyline and how complex some of the buildings are.


My life has definitely been affected by the Bridge Program and without a doubt it shows. I have fully become aware of how serious the work is in college and glad I get the opportunity to basically prepare for college level work. Although I feel I am doing a good job with my work I have become more of a paranoid person when it comes to work due to the fact that my friends and classmates are being sent home left and right. Still being in the program is showing me that I am improving and becoming a better writer and student. I might not be smarter than the other incoming fall freshmen that didn't come to the Bridge Program but I will be more prepared of what to expect.
Do I think I am ready for a new life at Columbia? Yes, I think I am ready to take on the challenges that Columbia will bring. I am fully aware that no matter how much I prepare once I start my fall semester the work will still be extremely challenging. I remember my Bridge writing professor Joe saying, "A good write can always be better." That made me feel more confident with my narratives because now I realize that I need improvement and I won't be the only person in my class to have a bad paper.
I am very thankful for the Bridge Program even though math isn't really my thing I still enjoy coming because of the environment and my writing class. To my surprise I'm actually starting to like writing and blogging everyday when I am the topic and I have control of the story. This class has made an impact because it's a new way to write other than just research papers and book reports. If I could recommend other incoming freshman to enroll in the Bridge Program ensuring they're prepared for Columbia, I would definitely stress how necessary it is.

Oh The Places You'll Go

Kelcher Edwards

Ever since I moved to Chicago I have seen buildings of all kinds. The one building that really catches my eye every time I walk past it is the Harold Washington Library. I look up an see the green gargoyles on each corner of the building. The detail in each gargoyle excites me because it tells me that someone actually cared about this library and also they took the time to create each gargoyle perfectly. This building really motivated me to work harder on each art piece that I create, because one day my art will be seen publicly. Another building that really caught my eye is the Taj mahal. The Taj mahal has so many details and and wonders. This is one place I have been dieing to visit since my freshman year in high school. I have done research papers on this place and also had my teacher that was on a vacation at the Taj mahal to take pictures for me. The beauty and architecture shows me that their is more than just a building. It is also a famous historical site for many.
When I got to bridge I trusted no one and hated everyone. That attitude has changed slightly ever since I've been here. I still can't trust anyone, I hate a few but not many and I'm making more friends than I thought I was going to make when 1st semester started. I love Chicago, from it busy streets during the day to it's quite nights. The University Center has really help me adjust to the life as a teenager being on my own. I have one goal in life and that is to be successful in what I really want to do for my career. Bridge has knocked some sense into me ever since I've left home. In such a short time I have matured and become a better person. I no longer tolerate childish manners. I am officially a grown up...I think.

My Fantasy Mansion and Crossing The Bridge

I have never been in the Chicago Cultural Center before, yesterday was my first time and it was great! I love the way the building is set up from top to bottom, front to back. I have never seen such a beautiful building in my years of living in Chicago. While seeing the various architectures inside if the building I started to fantasize about the building being my home. I wouldn't know what to do I probably would have a party/concert in there every weekend. I would have to be the riches man in the world to buy that building. I would make the building look so exotic, just like my room. Full of colored lights, plants, flowers, statues, paintings, mask, and other things I feel will set my type of mood in the building. I would set up a concert club in my mansion and let local bands play a gigs. There would be different events for kids, adults, and the freaks. The Chicago Cultural center is one of the best places I have visited but, if it was mine it would be ten times better.


The bridge has changed parts of my life. Ever since I have been in bridge I feel like I am accomplishing something that will affect the rest of life. I am happy to be doing something positive with my life instead of hanging on the streets with no ambition in life like some people in the world today. I feel that bridge program given me the skills I need to succeed in college. My writing skills have improved tremendously since I have been in the bridge program. I have learned how to organize my thoughts in my writing and how to paint a picture for my audience using specifc details. I think I am prepared for my life at Columbia because, the bridge program has prepared me for my future. I know I will have a lot of distractions like girls, girls, and more girls, but I will be prepared to handle my work and the sexy mamas. I am excited for my new life at Columbia I just can't wait.

Brandice Gilson

I am absolutly intoxicated by historical places. I love learning about things that happened in history. It doesn't have to be U.S. history either.

Historical buildings are my muse. I am big into going to different places in the world and learning about every historical building possible in the time I have in that specific place. I find achitecture very influencial to my desings. I find it astounding how life has changed so dramaticly in a hundred plus years some times only 50 years.

Going to Chicago's Cultural center was like giving a kid in a candy store the choice to have anything they wanted. I was in heaven. The buildings history was phenominal along with the design and layout. I am now getting a lot of my design idea's from things I saw there. Back in the day they put so much detail into there architecture. The little things are what matter the most to me.


I think that since the bridge program has started I have had time to really get to know myself. I know people think they know what they want in life but they never truely get to know until they are thrown in it.

We the bridge students got a remarkable opportunity to have a chance to really realize if this is what we wanted with the added benifit of having someone there to guide us and tell us if they think we are ready or not. Having someone there that doesn't know you can be a positive or a negative thing. At first I couldn't picture myself here for a long time in chicago.

In the middle of the second week I didn't think this is what I really wanted. I am borned and raised a small town girl. But I now can see myself being and living in chicago and studying at Columbia College.

I grasp the concept now that this is really where I am suppose to be. I just need to figure out now who and what is worth being apart of my new start in a new place. I need to weed out the bad influences and keep the good. That is what will make me succesful in Columbia College and also just being in Chicago.

Shanell: Discovery

Lets talk about historic locations. There are plenty of them out there, but how would you discover them? Would you walk a million miles to get there, fly a plane yourself, drive, bike, train and even swim! The place that fascinates me most is actually the city of Chicago. It would normally be about some mysterious place in a video game like avatar or star wars, but this time it's all about C-H-I-C-A-G-O. A wonderful place, beautiful as well, you'd meet amazing people here and discover who you are. That is, if you take advantage of what the city has to offer.

I've lived in Chicago for 18+ years now and don't like leaving this city at all. If it were up to me, I'd stay in the city all day and night, until I crave a video game again at least.I love almost everything about Chicago that I have seen so far. I can't name a single thing I dislike about the city. The city has two of the top art schools in it as well, Columbia College Chicago and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Schools that I strive to get into and it seems like I'm on the right path with Columbia College Chicago.

The cultural visit yesterday gave me a whole new insight on the city. There was a whole different meaning to building things back then. All the stuff build today can be destroyed by a machine. Back then, if it was built, it stood. I love the architecture within the city and the history behind it.


During my time in bridge, I have found that my writing has gotten more of a deeper thought. It's more organized, not like high school where the teachers wanted just the thoughts and not the details. My writing has made me better at my approach to my elders and other age groups as well. I think I'm ready for a different life, not so much a new life, just different here at Columbia College Chicago.

I've also been more detailed with my speaking and setting up weekends. I told my friends don't text or call me until Thursday at 5:00 P.m. because before and during the early weekdays I am busy in school and must stay focused. I will not allow anyone to stop me from being on task and in the right mind set anymore.

Alex Gillespie

Day 11 - Blog Response

Which historic location do you like most? Have you visited this place? Is it a building, a park, the river front, or outside of Chicago? Do you like the architecture of the buildings in Chicago? ( talked about in the visit to the Cultural center yesterday)


This is the third week of bridge, How has your life changed during your time in bridge? Do you think you are ready for a new life at Columbia College?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tajma Hall

My favorite type of art are movies. I am a huge fan of film and I am familiar with the process of being a filmmaker. It takes a lot of work, detailed work. When this is done properly, it makes for a great movie. I have taken film classes and I have been trained to find the deeper meaning in any film. No matter the genre, I can find it. No matter if it is literally shown to viewers or implied, I can find it. I believe all are has a deeper meaning. Sometimes the artist doesn't want you to know this by just looking at the piece. They want you to go home and think about it. That is what a good artist does, weather it is music, film, journalism, photography, and so on.


I feel like Haitian Voodoo zombies are real for people who believe in it and hollywood zombies were created for entertainment. I am more on the philosophical side of zombies. I found it really interesting listening to Riley talk about how people who don't have the same rights as other being sort of dead and zombie like. Its true. Society turns some into these mindless zombies. Homosexuals, people with disabilities, any type of discrimination. Those who are discriminating see the people as mindless and dead, just like a zombie. Allowing them selves to feel that these things are true would be giving up your mind and being used as a "slave" figuratively. That is what zombie means to me. Either way you look at it, I don't feel being a zombie is a positive thing.  

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 10

Personally I love all types of art but the one that stands out to me the most when it comes to having deeper meanings is music. A lot of music is loved for their rhythm and style, but most people over look the deeper meaning in the lyrics. Not one specific genre of music is deeper than the other because they all have those artist who question life, religion, politics, conspiracies etc. and try to tell stories to expose listeners to hidden truths or express opinions and beliefs. For instance, one of the most common topics when it comes to hip-hop culture, are artists and their affiliations with the Illuminati. Many rappers have touched base on this "Hidden Society" and how they feel about the conspiracy theories. Many times in lyrics artist subliminally write about this theory claiming to be in the "Hidden Society." Although not many followers of music are actually analyzing the lyrics and attemping to figure out the meanings of songs, but get lost in how great the beat is and who the artist is.
This is important to me because I attempt to break down lyrics in songs all the time searching for the true message rather than focusing on the meaningless things suc as the beat and most times the artist. I also feel if anyone plans on ever becoming apart of the music business they must know about these hidden truths and allow the educators who are the the artist to educate us followers.


In one of Romero's movies he uses a mall for the location of his movie and zombies to symbolize how the retail industry has taken control of some peoples mind and have become somewhat brainwashed by their appearance. In my opinion, I feel like I have been bitten by a zombie in the sense of losing self control when it comes to my appearance. Now I have been infected with this mindless obsession of how I look, I have fallen victim to the the "zombie in my life," fashion.

The Art Of Music and Zombitize Me Captain

Zombie T.

Music one of the greates arts known to man. No matter who you are, music will always play apart in your life. I have never met a person who didn't like music, I really don't think there is anybody on the earth who don't encounter music in their lives. Music controls everything around us, thats the deep part of music. I have you ever thought how a little kid could learn a song but couldn't learn their school work as fast as they learned the song. That makes Music a big part of our life because, it plays a huge part in your brain. When you teach a child a song to learn something its most likely that they will catch on faster. For example we've been taught our ABC's through a song ABCDEFG so on and so on it sticks in our mind. I bet if you went to three older people and told them to say their ABC's they would probably start singing the song. Music is even deeper than that it plays apart in people's emotions, if you're in a sad mood you'll listen to a sad song that would probably make you sadder. When you are feeling the love in the air for your mate, you 'll turn on some love music and think about your better half. Music makes up people's identity also, most of the time you can tell what type of music a person listens to by the way they are dressed. Take me for example I wear flashy clothes so if someone was to look it me they would assume I listen to Rock and Roll, R&B, Funk, Soul, and Jazz which would be right. Music plays apart in stereotyping as well, some people think every African American person listen to Rap and R&b, some people think all Caucausians listen to is Rock and Roll. But, thats not the case Music is for every one thats why it is one of the deepest arts known to man. Music goes on and on just like numbers. Everyday new things are being discovered with Music, it is a never ending process.


If I was bitten by a zombie I would want someone to kill me, because, I don't want to be walking around in my good looking clothes all bloody killing people. That's not me I don't even like zombies, so I would choose to get killed any kind of way as long as I am dead. To me a zombie could be any person who doesn't have control of their minds. Personally, I think zombies are all around us, there are lots of people under mind control. If you look at the news you will see what I am talking about. Heres one of my examples, if a person who is a trouble maker is watching the news and see all of the killings that are going on in Chicago everyday but, still continues to go out side and kill people. That person must not have control over their mind if they didn't stop to think about the problem. If I was a trouble maker and I was watching the news every day seeing all of the killings I would stop because why would I want to add on. But, some people don't think like that they just continue to do wrong because, they aren't using their brains which mean they're senseless just like zombies.

Alex Gillespie

I never really had a certain piece of art that was important to me. But I do believe that all art has a deeper meaning. When ever you look at any type of art you never just think ohh that's a flying dragon. You make think that what happened to the Dragon or where is the Dragon going. Also a piece of art is never really what it seems. You would have to analyze the picture for its deeper meaning. I believe that every type of art or art piece is made to have something else thought about it. What I mean is its not just a general idea. Or it simply just one meaning and not a combination of what really is and what really isn't.


It all depends on if you believe that you may lose your sense of self or if you still believe that your still their when your a zombie. If I believe that when I am a Zombie that I lose my sense of self. Then I wouldn't care about if someone took me out of my misery or if I walked around eating people. But if I believed that there could still be a possibility that I am in that zombie body than no I wouldn't want anyone to take me out of misery. I would want someone to help me figure out a cure or a way to bring me back to life. So the it really depends on what your takes or beliefs our on the subject about becoming a zombie.

Think Deeper

Kelcher Edwards

Running down stairs as quickly as I can. Bumping into valuable furniture and knocking down family photos. I was only six, what did you expect from a wild child who just had a bag of skittles for breakfast. I screamed and I jumped. I ripped up paper work and drew on the walls. I had no home training. Being the only child at the time I was free, No rules just play time and big bags of candy. I sprinted past my dad who had his arms wide open to either hug or capture me. I dashed past my mom who was sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for me with her arms crossed. I went into my room and jumped as high as I could onto my bed. I laid on my bed tired from all of the ripping and running around. I could hear my dad coming up the stairs. He opened my door with a box in his hand. He hand me the box and walked out the room. I ripped open the box and it was a 1982 Winter Wonderland Barbie. She was still in the box but she was dusty and looked like she need a good hot bath. I wondered why my father would give me something so worthless. At the age of six I really didn't see the value in that barbie. So I shoved the box under my bed and kept on jumping. A few years later had past. I was thirteen and a little bit more mature then I was when I was six. I was cleaning my room and found a box under my bed. It was the same doll that my father had given me when I was six. I knew by now the doll had to be worth some money, so I cleaned barbie up and put her back in the box. I showed my dad the barbie and a big smile went grew across his face. He hugged me and took the doll away to put it in a box with other dolls. He told me the doll was worth at least five hundred dollars at the time. I knew when I grew older it would be more. I am now eighteen and that doll cost one hundred thousand dollars, because it is one of a kind.
If I were a man eating zombie, I would tell my friends to shoot me if I continued to feed on others. If I were a zombie to the American society I would tell my friends to never stop feeding me until I was successful in life. Being a zombie to American society is also another way of saying your an outcast or your different from the others. I find myself always landing in the outcast category no matter what situation. I find it better for me to stay away from the simple minded people and hang with the zombie crowd, because even though we may be different from everyone else we always seem to have the most brains in the end.

Brandice Gilson

Whenever I see, hear or feel any type of art, I always look for a deeper meaning in it. I usually sit back and think of why the person is saying or doing these things. Why the painting or sculpture looks they way it does.
Fashion to me has a really deep meaning. Most of my designs come from how I feel and why I feel that way. My emotions motivate my desgins. If I am in a more happy mood my designs will be more happy and flirty. But if my day just isn't going the way I wanted it to then my desgins are more mischeivious and dark.

I feel that the way a person dresses is art. It is a way they express themselves.

My fashion sense is usualy based off of things such as my feelings, thoughts, music or art that I look at that day. As a few examples, I was looking at a few Monet paintings. The images were so calming that it made me sketch and wear things that could reflect back on to the paintings. What Monet makes me feel is calm and peaceful. So my outfits will be calm and peaceful. Light but yet vibrant colors, loose comfy fabrics with a possiblity of being drapped in some places. Possibly a sun dress, with lace. Monet's work make me think out doorsy type things, like adding flowers but always adding them in there very suddlely becasuse in his work nothing pops out except the colors. In his art work I believe the things are meant to blend together to be on, but yet still defined.

Another artist that influences me is not a painter or sculpter, but a musician. Taylor Momsen has such a unique personality and style that it influences my designs and fasion a little bit. She isn't afraid to go outside of the box. She is unique. She is young still, more close to my age (17 years old) but she doesn't let that stop her from dressing the way she feels. Her own fashion style is art. Just because it is clothing doesn't mean it is not art. She is a huge part of my designs. Every time I see her in a Magazine or on t.v. or just listening to one of her songs, it inspires me. I find a deeper meaning in the way she dresses. It is a way of expression.


I would not want to live life like a zombie. I am the kind of person that wants to be their own person. I want to always be doing something different than everyone else. I don't like being another face in the crowed. I want to be unique, and be someone that will be remembered. That can rise to anything. Being able to be creative whenever.

I feel that zombies symbolize in a way of how everyone goes with what they are told. The people who choose to follow the trends of fashion. Who don't want to be unique. That is just a way of relating them back to my major.


Art and its deeper meaning, I have always thought and thought about the actually meaning of a piece of art. Trying to understand the message the artist would be trying to convey. Getting a better understanding of the work in my own way. I always look at album covers and t- shirts that are in stores and think about the reason behind it.

Reasons behind why they chose the backgrounds and what the creature means. The album covers I am most interested in are usually of the metal genre. T- shirts I usually look into are normally any graphic tee that has a lot of detail. The band, Disturbed, their t- shirts usually intrigue me. With thoughts of what their mascot "The Guy" is trying to do and say in each shirt and album cover.

The importance of the two items help me to understand and expand my skills and give me more of an open mind to different things. The album cover to my favorite band right now seems to have a scientific feel to it. The album itself shows how the band explores new sounds and each member does something different than the last album. The discovery albums shows how they have explored with new media and gained more skill, the band always shows improvement.


(a photo I created in photoshop and illustrator)

When it comes to zombies, I instantly think of Resident Evil. One of the movies I favor most in the zombie category and horror favorites. When I watch the movies, I think to myself, I wouldn't fight back. I would just rather be a meal for them. There isn't a possibility being given or any hope that you won't be alone in the end of this apocalypse.

A symbol that reminds me of a Hollywood zombie is Shaggy from Scooby- Doo. I chose him because he is mindless, afraid, and always hungry.

Day 10 - Blog Response

In Brenden Riley's lecture he talked about Romero's zombie movies and how they have a deeper meaning. Have you ever encountered any type of art that had a deeper meaning that was important to you? If so what was it and why was it important to you?

In Brenden Riley's lecture he talked about the fear of becoming a zombie and loosing your sense of self. If you were bitten by a zombie would you choose to be put out of your misery? Also, analyze what a zombie symbolizes to you? What do you feel they embody ?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tajma Hall

As far as marketing, appealing to the five senses is extremely important when attempting to catch your audience's attention. This is true in print, text, photo, or video advertisement. If I was to create an advertising video that had to appeal to the five senses, I would put the focus on family. For instance, a commercial ad for iHop. IHop (International House of Pancakes) is known for their pancakes and they have a lot of specials and family deals for kids. Knowing your audience is important.

The majority audience for iHop is families. I would have a few cute kids, a little boy and girl, walk up to their mom and say, "Mom we want pancakes for breakfast". The mom will look tired and run down from doing house work all morning. When the kids ask for pancakes she will look over at the stove and sigh because she doesn't feel like whipping up a batch. Then the TV will show a commercial for IHop advertising a kids eat free deal. The mom says we'll go to ihop. They get to ihop and I would show the kids eating pancakes and saying how good they look and smell and taste. Show detail and make them all look happy. This would be an effective ad.

I consider myself very mature for my age and part of the reason why this is true is because I have experienced a lot for such a young age. I have experienced things I feel no one should ever have to deal with, especially as a child. On particular painful event that still makes me sick to my stomach is the passing of my grandfather. When I was young, my mother and I lived with my grandparents.

Me and my grandfather
They had a big house and I loved being there. I never had my father around much so my grandfather was very special to me. He was my favorite person in the whole wide world and he spoiled me. We had a great relationship. I remember looking at the clock, waiting for him to come home from work. He always came to his room when he got home from work so I would jump in the bed and hide under the covers (as if he wouldn't notice the big hump in the bed) and wait for him to get in the room.

He would always play along and pretend he didn't know I was there by sitting on me as I lay flat under the covers. I would laugh and say "granddaddy, i'm under here". Then he would grab me and give me a big hug. Then we went to the kitchen for ice cream floats. I loved him so much. I wish he was still here sometimes. I remember waiting for him to come home one day and I knew he wasn't coming when I over heard my grandma talking to my mom saying he had been shot. They never told me the story and didn't know I over heard them. I never saw him again. It still hurts but I know everything happens for a reason. I miss him and I know he is proud of me.

Sebastian Hagan

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

I do not know much about advertizing. I am aware of some market research that found that the more a person doesn’t understand what they are seeing on the screen it tends to stick with them longer than regular informative commercial. So I could make a weird commercial or a story type commercial with a comedic hook. It would have to have a beginning that rose allot of questions. Let's say I was making a Travelocity commercial. It would start like so. A man in full mountain climbing gear with a huge beard that is covered in a blanket of snow and snow goggles with a furry hood. You can see he is frostbitten on his nose and looks to be exhausted and on the brink of collapse. There is a blizzard and snow is violently spinning in the wind in cyclones. The view switches to first person and it looks like there’s nothing but snow and mountain for miles. He takes long and slow painful steps. The camera pans from right to left focused on his back as he turns to look at the camera. He squints and looks as though has trying to make something out through the white out. Then a hard cut to a silhouette that is concealed by the snow, it slowly becomes more visible; it’s a woman with summer clothing on with her hair in a pony tail with flip flops on. She stands there with her hand on her hip and says "Jack?" and it echoes. The camera cuts to his eyes as they close in the snowy landscape and open again the area is different. He is standing in an ice box at a grocery store. His presumed girl friend repeats her again "jack? What are you doing? The man with the beard looks disappointed as he steps out of the fridge into the super hot grocery store and the scene freezes as a narrator says "Need to get away?" And the whole marketing shpeal goes on from there. WOOOOP! Cut, print, BAM thats a winner.


I have been through a good amount of shit in my life. Things were crazy when I was growing up. My mother left me when I was a baby and I bounced between my father's house and my grandma's house. They were both there for me and for the most part my father was ok. He had a temper and lost his patience easily and a few things happened between him and me fights and episodes that I would care not to write about. One thing I always heard from him growing up was that he never wanted kids, he hates raising them, and all he wanted to do was live his life, and because he has kids he couldn’t do that. He always said he was going to pack up and leave one day and that I would never see him again. This type of thing horrified me considering one of my parents already didn’t seem to want to raise me and now the other one was talking about how my birth was preventing them from living their life. The guilt I felt for this type of thing caused me to cry regularly when I was in grade school. I felt so bad because I loved my dad so much and all I wanted for him was to be happy. I hated to see him upset about things and still felt bad even if I was the pin cushion for his frustration. Then one day he actually did leave. We got into a huge argument and he informed me that I wasn’t going to see him again that he wanted nothing to do with me and said good bye. I watched him walk out and I sat on the floor for 3 hours with tears quietly running down my face. That kind of pain that hurts so bad you can’t move think, or hardly breathe. It was some of the most intense sorrow I ever felt. I had finals that week and it was the last week of school. I slept at a friend’s house and walked to school every day and took my finals. I did not see or hear my dad for 4 months. Then one day I got a call and he asked me if I wanted to talk to his girl friend’s daughter he was living with. All I remember thinking was “you left me because you never wanted to raise kids, yet here you are raising someone else’s". That shit hurt. It still hurts.

Stay Far Away from Me

Kelcher Edwards

A loud bang woke me up from a love scene with Denzel Washington. I rip the covers off my bed and run down stairs. A horrifying scene stops me dead in my tracks. My dad was standing over my mom with a knife that was drenched in blood. I didn't want to believe that it was her blood but I had a good idea that it was her blood. My father looks up at me, starring me right in my eyes. I quickly run upstairs and head for my brothers room to make sure he's ok. He was still sleep, I lock the door behind me and grab my brother trying not to wake him up. I could tell he pissed on himself because the smell of urine violated my nose. I grabbed his diaper bag and went for the window. I threw the diaper bag on the ground and my brother woke up from the loud booming noise that it made. He didn't cry but he started to whine. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders tightly and wrapped his legs around my waist as well. I could tell my father was clothes to breaking the door down, so I took a risk and jumped. Luckily we had a old matress by the garbab cans that we didn't want that I landed on. I grabbed the bag and my brother and I ran as fast as we could. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain hit the side of my leg. I fell so hard I could taste the tar and blood in my mouth from hitting my face to the ground. My brother stopped but I yelled for him to keep running. The knife pierced through my heart. I was dieing slowly, but I could feel the roughness of my father's unshaved face. His face began to fade slowly and then darkness. I jumped up from my bed and looked around. "Oh sweet, it was just a dream".
It was September 9, 2001. I was sitting in front the t.v. while mom was making dinner and talking to her sister to see if she got on the plane in Newyork safely. My aunt worked for an organization that helped kids get a better education in forigen countires. I sat watched my favorite cartoon Tom and Jerry. All of a sudden we heard a loud scream from the other end of the phone. My aunt noticed a plane go into one of the twin towers. We were frightened and worried that her plane wouldn't do the same into the other tower. We just wanted her to get home safely. After an hour of calming her down and my aunt noticed that her plane was not going longer that it should have been. She looked out the window and saw that the plane was also getting lower. Some peope noticed it as well. A voice over on the plane told them to be calm and if anyone moved they will kill everyone on the plane. My aunt started to tell us how much she loved us and what she wanted our family to have of hers. My dad turned the news on and I saw a plane hit into a tall building. At this time both towers were down in new york. Which meant both planes crashed into the building but I my aunt was still alive. Tears fell from my eyes just seeing my mother cry.

Alex Gillespie

Anyone can make a video to appeal to anybody but it is about how you make the video so that is right on point to give the audience what they need. It has to be a video that meets all five senses and makes you want what you don't have. So I would make a video advertising a product that I know every body would not want but make them think they need. My product would be a bottle of smart water. Now everyone would be like why would I want smart water I can just drink regular water. So now I come in with an advertisement that smart water is what you need. I would make it seem like it would be impossible to go to school with out drinking a bottle of smart water. I would also make them believe that drinking smart water is beneficial to your health and will help you live longer. And that would appeal to there senses witch would be their minds, stomach, and heart.


This is a no homo situation for me. The most haunting moment in my life was one day in school. This guy who was suppose to be a friend did some gay shit. He went into the pics in his phone and asked me to look at this girl. And naturally I said o.k. because I just wanted to check her out. But that was not the plan for my so called friend he decided it would be funny to show me a pic of is private. And that was so disgusting to me I almost threw up in class literally. I mean for a while that image popped into my head almost every time through the days and nights and I felt that was the most repulsive thing someone could do to another person. Just talking about this right now is disgusting. I couldn't even control myself when that had happen to me. I mean I made the biggest scene in the classroom about how disgusting that was and how rude and trifling he was for what he did.

Sex on the Moon and DEATH OF A FRIEND

The type of video I would make to appeal to people's five senses would be for a special line of adult beverages called, Sex on the Moon. There will be many flavors like, Seductive Strawberry, Marvelous Mango, Pretty Pineapple, Bangin Banana, Orgy Orange, and Lick Me Cherry. The video would start off with a man and three sexy mamas in the bed with him. Then, one of the girls say, "Im thirsty" the man responds " hold on baby I got something for you", reaches in the dresser next to him and pulls out a bottle of Sex on the Moon, Seductive Strawberry, he gives it to the girl and then she drinks it. She starts to fantasize about the maker of the beverage which is me and start having fantasies about being on the moon in the act with me, but in reality she is in the bed with the man doing the do. Then the man looks in the camera and say, " one sip of this, makes you feels your on the moon. The inverse of the commercial for guys would be the opposite, when a guy drinks it he has fantasies about having sex with the girl of his dreams on the moon. The drink appeals to all five senses, you can taste the drink, you can see your fantasie after you drink Sex on the moon, you can touch the one your fantasizing about even though its not that person touching you, you can smell the sweet fruity smells of the drink and you can hear your partner moaning in your ear after you drinki Sex On the Moon.


The thing that haunts me and keeps popping up in my head is the death of my old child hood friend. I really don't like bringing the story up because, everytime I do I start having dreams about me being at his funeral. I won't explain how he died but,I will tell you how it affected me. After his death I use to have terrifying nightmares about him getting up out of his coffin and trying to attack me. I don't know why I use to have those dreams but,it really affected me a lot as a child. I haven't really talked about the situation in a long time,so Im hoping I don't have the dream tonight.

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 9

Appealing Advertisement

To appeal to my audiences five senses through an advertisement, I would incorporate expression and emotion into my presentation. A simple facial expression can make a extreme effect when an emotion is added. For instance, if I were to make a commercial for Sprite, I would at some point show a person drinking a sprite then have a excited facial expression like the person grinning after they take a sip. Maybe even have the person sky dive while drinking it or have a scene where there is a Sprite can in the middle of a lions cage and the person risks their life to get it. Without words my audience will get the impression that the Sprite must taste good.
For the sound effects I could just have the sound of the can of Sprite opening, so that the audience can see its a fresh beverage and not a flat one that when you open it, it tastes like it's been open already. For the smell effect you could add it to the opening of the can and one they open it have the person look relieved with flowers spilling into the air out of the can, making the impression that the smell is delightful.


Painful News

A painful memory that frequently pops into my head, is the night I received a call that said my father had been shot and was taken to the emergency room. I was waken out of my sleep around three in the morning by my grand-father and he asked me to come into the living room because he had to tell me something. I didn't know what he was about to tell me but I was pissed that I was being waken up so early while in the mist of the best dream of my life. I rolled out of the bed and slowly walked down the stairs holding on to the rail trying my hardest not to fall. When I got to the living room my grand-father and grand-mother were sitting on the couch and all the lights were on. My grand-mother hugged my and held my hand as she walked me to the couch and placed me in between them both.
For about two minutes there was awkward pause and I was becoming more frustrated and anxious to hear what was so important that I had to disturbed. I asked what was wrong when I looked up and noticed my grand-mother started to cry and she just got up and left, then I heard the door to their bedroom slam. I looked at my grand-father and asked what was wrong. He began to tell me that I shouldn't worry or lose any sleep but my father was out with his friends, in the wrong place at the wrong time and was shot twice. My stomach immediately dropped and I start to breathe extremely hard, it seemed like my heart started beating at a fast pace, but my thoughts were moving faster. I jumped up and yelled at my grand-father to get up so we can go make sure he is alright. As a tear began to run down my cheek my legs began to get weaker to the point I just sat down and stared into space; lost in my thoughts, silently panicking.
My grand-father wrapped my in his arms telling me everything will be fine and that I needed to try and get some sleep. I just sat there quietly, nothing to say but but so much on my mind. I told my grand-father I was tired and ready to go to sleep but really I just wanted to be alone. The walk back up the stairs and down the hallway to my room seemed like it took and hour. With every step I had another question. Where did he get shot? Did he make it to the emergency room in time for the doctors to save him? Who shot him? and why?
Once I reached my bed I layed down and stared at the ceiling suddenly I felt like I had ten cups of coffee.

Brandice Gilson

If I would make a video, it would most likely be a video about something to do with bullying or about soldiers at war. These I feel are two big topics that no one seems to want to talk about. Some people try to avoid them all together. These are huge issues in the world today. Both of these are tearing families apart. I feel that since they do cause conflict, that people don't want to address them because of that. In life people try to avoid conflict. Conflict is what I believe makes people think the most.


I feel that I constantly keep talking about how my former dance team coach told me I had no passion for dance, that I was never meant to be a dancer. She said all of these things to try and break me, to make me not try out the following year because her and I never saw eye to eye. We were always butting heads. But that moment when she said that I didn't show the pain that struck through me. But as soon as she walked away and my sister came to me, I busted into tears and my knees actually buckled under me. It was a moment that truly brought me to my knees. It clearly is a memory I will never forget. It will always be with me, I think because of my reaction to everything and how my body went weak and limp. It was and still is a feeling I will not ever get rid of.

Shanell: Caught Napping

The eye, the ear, the heart, the stomach and touch are ways to connect to your audience. To catch their attention and to hold it, you must have some appealing topic. There are many ways to holding a persons attention, for those who have a shorter attention span it may be a bit more difficult. You must connect through the eye with a vision, a vision so clear that they can feel it, a sense so soft that they can smell and hear it. It all then connects to their hearts, then you have their minds pumping. Maybe with a video you could convey the message "two parts heart, one obsession". Leading to the meaning of H2O, just something a friend and I made up. I want to expand on this adding eternal love and life. Using a bright mix of colors and logos all forming up to the complete meaning of "two parts heart, one obsession for eternal life". The video would have all of these items shifting and falling into place to hold one complete logo that is self defined.


A painful memory I have is from my childhood. Many of them actually consist of crazy stuff and then there is one major one which recently happened. I remember it like it were yesterday evening. Waking up with the urge to play all my video games on my PlayStation 1. Then I clean off the disks, every one of them, and place the disk in and got a no read message. I would ball into tears and throw my controllers. I'd go on a rampage until it worked. Some just never worked again, this memory haunts me each time I buy a new video game today. I remember now, to place every single disk into a case if not the right one.

A major downfall in my life happened in May. About a week before my high school graduation, I got a phone call from my father saying my grandfather had passed away. Seeing as though I was just with my grandfather two days before the incident, I thought it was a "what would you do if ..... happened". I told my father it was impossible, he was perfectly fine two days ago. He then told me, he had a heart attack at work and drove himself to the hospital before it could happen but passed away right when he walked through the door. I was speechless. Not a word could come out of my mouth, he asked me if I was okay, knowing I wasn't I said, "yes". Maybe I shouldn't have, my grandfather was my third closest family member. We did everything together and always had a great time and never argued.
I only wished for him to physically see me walk across the stage. He didn't get to physically but he always will be watching over me from above. Now I value life so greatly, I stopped hanging with my old friends that don't value life because I know I have people that care about me at home. I hope to become something and I will strive until I get there.

Day 9 - Blog Response

In the lecture about Marketing and products. The Proffecer talked about appealing to the five sences while watching an advertisement video. What video would you make to appeal to the audiences five sences?
In the book They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky Alepho recieved news that his father was killed while thier village was being attacked. When Alepho heard this horrible news he begun to vomit and cry from the pain that was eating at his heart. Was there ever a moment in your life that brought you to your knees? A painful memory that keeps poping up in your head that haunts you for life?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tajma Hall

My broadcast journalism class
When I tell people this now, it always surprises them but I was never considered "popular" in school. Pre school, elementary school, middle school, or high school. I was never popular. I had a few friends here and there but I was never a part of a clique. I only have two best friends. The three of us have been best friends since the seventh grade. We all went to separate high schools but still remained close, so when I got to high school, I wasn't looking to make friends. I did not want to be a part of the typical high school drama so I just kept my distance. I didn't go to school dances or football games. I even decided not to go to my prom. Being social was not on my list of important things to do. I had so much going on at home with my mom being sick that I just didn't care about making new friends in high school. I was focused on being a journalist all through high school My broadcast journalism class became my family and in that class everyone was "popular". Despite all of this, I wouldn't consider myself an outcast because everyone still knew who I was and I had no drama with anyone but I kept my distance and just would smile and wave back at people in the halls. No matter what, I feel like you can never feel like an outcast as long as you are true to yourself.  I'm lucky to always have my two best friends.
I always knew I wanted to be famous some day and that hasn't changed. A few things have on the other hand. I used to love to sing. I would write songs in my spare time. I was always in the choir. I was in the youth choir at my church, and I was in the regular chorus as well as the advanced chorus in middle school and high school. I used to dance too. I was a ballet dancer from age 3 until I was eleven. I also took acting classes for many years and I was in several plays. I wanted to be an entertainer. I wanted to be the next Britney Spears or Spice Girl. This is no longer what I strive to achieve. I lost the desire to want these things the first time I ever gave a speech in public, which I have already blogged about. I want to be a motivational speaker and a broadcast journalist, eventually hosting my own talk show. This is what I am passionate about and have been for about six years now. I probably won't change my mind but a part of being successful is always being open to new things. I also want to be a filmmaker as well, which is something I never showed interest in years ago. I want to be in front of the television cameras and behind the movie cameras. That is my plan and I'm working on it. Wish me luck! I posted this video yeaterday but i'm going to post it again with this blog because it fits it perfectly. If you haven't seen it, This was a new package I did about teachers in my high school, who never planned on being educators and somehow ended up doing it. It opens your eyes to the possibility of changing career plans later in life and being happy with those changes. At the end of the day, as long as you are doing what you love, you picked the right career.

Me singing
me giving a speech