Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tierra Harris

There was a time that I felt like everything was pushing me to the edge of a cliff, as if people had centered their attention on little old me. One day when I thought it was nerd day at my school to celebrate school spirt and homecoming victories against proviso east. I entered the building with my two braids with extensions, bifocals that were clear and black and could see more than usual, white shirt with pink dots everywhere, black pants that flood so badly you could see my white soxs. Suspenders that were grey attaching my pants that flooded, red and white tie that was so short a new born could fit. To meet the cherry on top came along my huge duffle bag with all my books and materials that i really didn't need, but had to bring them to act as if i was really a nerd. When i walked through the halls all eyes were on me. I really didn't care because it was nerd day, until I got to 3rd period. A student came up and asked me, "why are you dressed like a nerd'". My response was "um because it's nerd day", in reply she says "no it isn't it's red and white day". That very moment I felt an outcast and wanted to go in a deep dark corner to hide. My hands were moist and people and my body felt numb. To cover up what I had felt I laughed with them as if nothing was wrong. From there on out I agreed look at the schedule for the week and not just assume. I was the nerd that day.

Students change their mind about what they want to become everyday, or find diffrent things that have interested them. Me personally have done that plenty of times. when i was 5yrs of age I wanted to become a bus driver. They were so big and so fun to ride I just wanted to see what it felt like to drive that huge bus. I was mentally attracted to huge cars and big objects that move. Me being a bus driver that I wanted to be, Me and my mom decided to take a trip to the store which was right up the corner. There came a bus that drove past us and I cried so hard and loud because I really wanted to ride on the bus just to the corner. As I got older being a bus driver was no longer in my interest. I did not stick with what I wanted to do. Now today I stick with dancing, doing hair, and shopping.

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