Thursday, August 11, 2011

Brandice Gilson

In high school I went from being the top of the school to the bottom in a day. I started getting bullied by one girl, who was really good at manipulating others and how and what they thought. With how high tech society is today, it didn't take long for the rumors to spread like wild fire. One day, a tuesday to be exact I was one of the most "popular" girls and school. And by the end of the day on Thursday, my whole school along with outside schools knew who I was and wanted nothing to do with me.

On the Tuesday that all the bullying started at about 11:30am, my so called friend was mad at me for turning in the 20 dollar bill we both found on the ground in the girls locker room. She wasn't mad, she was pissed that I turned it in. She thought she had claim on it since she saw it first. She planned on keeping it. I on the other hand wanted to do the right thing by turning it in, because it was most certainly someone from our class and they would soon notice it was missing. I did the moraly right thing. But because I wanted to do the right thing, I pissed off the last person anyone in my school would want to make mad.

As soon as I went and picked up that crisp brand new twenty, her mouth started to run. Calling me a whore and that she would make me pay for it. I was caught off guard by this because she was freaking out over money that wasn't even hers. It's not that big of a deal.

By 1 o'clock pm that day the whole school was hearing a different story. One of the main stories going around was me saying that I said she only needed the money because her dad had a gambleing problem. I never even met her dad. I was so frustrated then because she was saying upsurd things. By the end of the day my phone was blowing up with numbers I didn't even know. Text message after text messages most of them read "Your a stupid bitch and I hope you slit your wrists" "Go die, no one wants you around" "why don't you just go kill yourself"

I was so confused by all of this. I didn't think that just because I did the right thing that I would be harrassed for it. I tried to brush it off, like it was no big deal. I went home that night and kept it all to myself.

The next day (wednesday) I thought it would all be blown over, like nothing ever really happened. But I had a rude awakening. My locker was "decorated" with chewed wadded up used gum. My friends wouldn't even look at me and my car was "tacoed" which means that people took about two dozen taco's and smashed them all over my car, smearing hot sauce on the windows, writing "BITCH" on the front windsheild and "GO DIE" on the back. The bulling continued to other schools when I went out to a school basketball game.

I felt so depressed. I was considering that maybe everything would be better if I wasn't around. I told my mum how I was feeling and what was all happening thursday afternoon when I came home during my lunch hour. I was crying so hard that I started hyperventalating, and then I started dry heaving. I sat on the cold granite floor in the bathroom with my eyes all blurred. I couldn't even make out the toilet if I was really going to throw up.

My mum tried comforting me but I was set on not wanting to never go back. That night I deleted my facebook because I was still getting death threats and links to assisted suicide websites. I soon started going to counciling and really going in depth on everything happening. I was going to transfer schools but since everyone at evey school in town hated me that was out of the question. Then I starte looking at boarding schools, which wasn't what I wanted. Then I looked at puting up with every thing for just one more year and graduate a year early.

This was going to take some effort. With all the bullying I went from a straight "A" studnent to a straight "D" student. I worked my ass off to pass all of my classes. I graduated the following year with no friends and straight "B's". It wasn't my best but I was still trying to handle being completly alone eveyday. I had my family, mainly my sister and Mum are the ones to thank. They got me through this hard time in my life.

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