Thursday, August 4, 2011

Seperation From Distractions In The Homeland

When, I think of America I think of a place full of dreams and distractions. Mainly, distractions because, If you aren't chasing after your dreams there must be a reason and thats because of the distractions or negativity the world brings towards your direction. I try to isolate myself from the world around me all the time because, I feel as if there is more negativity in the world than it is positive. The way I seperate myself from distractions, is in my mind. When people are trying to bring me down or distract me from my dreams I shut them out of my life, because I don't need those type of people around me. But, in America we have alot of those type of people. People who's purposes in life are to distract you or bring negativity to your life. Just like in the book, "LOST IN PLACE", Mark was surrounded by dullness and people who viewed him as being a weirdo. I think he felt as if his homeleand was negative and boring. Thats why he tried so hard to get into Kung-Fu to be away from the negativity of his homeland and into a spiratual realm in his mind, something like a out of body experience. I view when I think of my homeland I feel the same way as Mark, I would rather live in my mind than to be living in someones controlled negative country. Im not saying America is full of bad things Im just saying it could be better tremendously in the ways of having more positivity through out the country and maybe then I would'nt have to isolate myself from the rest of the world.

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