Monday, August 15, 2011

Sex on the Moon and DEATH OF A FRIEND

The type of video I would make to appeal to people's five senses would be for a special line of adult beverages called, Sex on the Moon. There will be many flavors like, Seductive Strawberry, Marvelous Mango, Pretty Pineapple, Bangin Banana, Orgy Orange, and Lick Me Cherry. The video would start off with a man and three sexy mamas in the bed with him. Then, one of the girls say, "Im thirsty" the man responds " hold on baby I got something for you", reaches in the dresser next to him and pulls out a bottle of Sex on the Moon, Seductive Strawberry, he gives it to the girl and then she drinks it. She starts to fantasize about the maker of the beverage which is me and start having fantasies about being on the moon in the act with me, but in reality she is in the bed with the man doing the do. Then the man looks in the camera and say, " one sip of this, makes you feels your on the moon. The inverse of the commercial for guys would be the opposite, when a guy drinks it he has fantasies about having sex with the girl of his dreams on the moon. The drink appeals to all five senses, you can taste the drink, you can see your fantasie after you drink Sex on the moon, you can touch the one your fantasizing about even though its not that person touching you, you can smell the sweet fruity smells of the drink and you can hear your partner moaning in your ear after you drinki Sex On the Moon.


The thing that haunts me and keeps popping up in my head is the death of my old child hood friend. I really don't like bringing the story up because, everytime I do I start having dreams about me being at his funeral. I won't explain how he died but,I will tell you how it affected me. After his death I use to have terrifying nightmares about him getting up out of his coffin and trying to attack me. I don't know why I use to have those dreams but,it really affected me a lot as a child. I haven't really talked about the situation in a long time,so Im hoping I don't have the dream tonight.

1 comment:

  1. wow the first one is really funny. as far as your second post. that was a very traumatic experience and i hope you do not let it carry on to your future. remember your friend is in a better place. before you go to bed at night tell yourself that you will not have a nightmare.
