Monday, August 15, 2011

Tajma Hall

As far as marketing, appealing to the five senses is extremely important when attempting to catch your audience's attention. This is true in print, text, photo, or video advertisement. If I was to create an advertising video that had to appeal to the five senses, I would put the focus on family. For instance, a commercial ad for iHop. IHop (International House of Pancakes) is known for their pancakes and they have a lot of specials and family deals for kids. Knowing your audience is important.

The majority audience for iHop is families. I would have a few cute kids, a little boy and girl, walk up to their mom and say, "Mom we want pancakes for breakfast". The mom will look tired and run down from doing house work all morning. When the kids ask for pancakes she will look over at the stove and sigh because she doesn't feel like whipping up a batch. Then the TV will show a commercial for IHop advertising a kids eat free deal. The mom says we'll go to ihop. They get to ihop and I would show the kids eating pancakes and saying how good they look and smell and taste. Show detail and make them all look happy. This would be an effective ad.

I consider myself very mature for my age and part of the reason why this is true is because I have experienced a lot for such a young age. I have experienced things I feel no one should ever have to deal with, especially as a child. On particular painful event that still makes me sick to my stomach is the passing of my grandfather. When I was young, my mother and I lived with my grandparents.

Me and my grandfather
They had a big house and I loved being there. I never had my father around much so my grandfather was very special to me. He was my favorite person in the whole wide world and he spoiled me. We had a great relationship. I remember looking at the clock, waiting for him to come home from work. He always came to his room when he got home from work so I would jump in the bed and hide under the covers (as if he wouldn't notice the big hump in the bed) and wait for him to get in the room.

He would always play along and pretend he didn't know I was there by sitting on me as I lay flat under the covers. I would laugh and say "granddaddy, i'm under here". Then he would grab me and give me a big hug. Then we went to the kitchen for ice cream floats. I loved him so much. I wish he was still here sometimes. I remember waiting for him to come home one day and I knew he wasn't coming when I over heard my grandma talking to my mom saying he had been shot. They never told me the story and didn't know I over heard them. I never saw him again. It still hurts but I know everything happens for a reason. I miss him and I know he is proud of me.

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