Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tajma Hall

My favorite type of art are movies. I am a huge fan of film and I am familiar with the process of being a filmmaker. It takes a lot of work, detailed work. When this is done properly, it makes for a great movie. I have taken film classes and I have been trained to find the deeper meaning in any film. No matter the genre, I can find it. No matter if it is literally shown to viewers or implied, I can find it. I believe all are has a deeper meaning. Sometimes the artist doesn't want you to know this by just looking at the piece. They want you to go home and think about it. That is what a good artist does, weather it is music, film, journalism, photography, and so on.


I feel like Haitian Voodoo zombies are real for people who believe in it and hollywood zombies were created for entertainment. I am more on the philosophical side of zombies. I found it really interesting listening to Riley talk about how people who don't have the same rights as other being sort of dead and zombie like. Its true. Society turns some into these mindless zombies. Homosexuals, people with disabilities, any type of discrimination. Those who are discriminating see the people as mindless and dead, just like a zombie. Allowing them selves to feel that these things are true would be giving up your mind and being used as a "slave" figuratively. That is what zombie means to me. Either way you look at it, I don't feel being a zombie is a positive thing.  

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