Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh The Places You'll Go

Kelcher Edwards

Ever since I moved to Chicago I have seen buildings of all kinds. The one building that really catches my eye every time I walk past it is the Harold Washington Library. I look up an see the green gargoyles on each corner of the building. The detail in each gargoyle excites me because it tells me that someone actually cared about this library and also they took the time to create each gargoyle perfectly. This building really motivated me to work harder on each art piece that I create, because one day my art will be seen publicly. Another building that really caught my eye is the Taj mahal. The Taj mahal has so many details and and wonders. This is one place I have been dieing to visit since my freshman year in high school. I have done research papers on this place and also had my teacher that was on a vacation at the Taj mahal to take pictures for me. The beauty and architecture shows me that their is more than just a building. It is also a famous historical site for many.
When I got to bridge I trusted no one and hated everyone. That attitude has changed slightly ever since I've been here. I still can't trust anyone, I hate a few but not many and I'm making more friends than I thought I was going to make when 1st semester started. I love Chicago, from it busy streets during the day to it's quite nights. The University Center has really help me adjust to the life as a teenager being on my own. I have one goal in life and that is to be successful in what I really want to do for my career. Bridge has knocked some sense into me ever since I've left home. In such a short time I have matured and become a better person. I no longer tolerate childish manners. I am officially a grown up...I think.

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