Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alex Gillespie

Being the type of person to mistreat people is not so bad. I was that type of person I was not the person who got mistreated. It was not as bad as it seems I was the type of person who made every body laugh with my jokes. I did not try to put people down just to hurt them that was not my style. And it is still not my style till this day. But it was not hard to make friends with the people I mistreated because I just let them know that what I was doing was not trying to hurt them but make others feel good. You know they say laughter is the best medicine. And that is what I live by every time i make a joke. So it was not really hard to make friends with the people that got mistreated because I reassure them it was not intentionally meant to dis them. I believe the good way to stay or make friends after mistreating some one is to find the mutual respect between the to people.

I feel that I don't have or need money to make my art work legitimate. To me my artwork is legitimate when you see all of the hard work, thought, and effort I put into my work. that is what should make my artwork legitimate. It should be the quality of the work that can make what you worked on liked or not. It should not be what some person say the price of your art work is. But now if you want to sell your art work that is different from trying to make your work legitimate because to you your work is already legitimate. I can see you selling your art work to try to make some money off of all the hard work you put in on it. But that is completely different from making someone believe in what they are seeing because of the price.

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