Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kelcher Edwards

Having the lights off, my door closed, the window shades wide open and my headphones plugged into my ears take me away from the world around me. Even though I'm easily distracted this technique always seems to take me to the Zone Of No Return. I sit there and focus on my future or my music. I love to rap and sing so when I'm in my zone these two things are what I really focus on. If I get really bored I'll research random things, like for example; why do oranges turn orange? I'll pull up the article and start reading it, but for some reason when I read and go into my zone at the same time, I tend to fall asleep.


I was born in Saint Jones Hospital in Jackson,Mississippi. I didn't really know much about my hometown, because we moved to Milwaukee,Wisconsin when I was two. When I was six I went to stay down to Mississippi with some relatives to stay there for a month. It was the worst experience in my life compared to Milwaukee. Jackson had the biggest bugs I've ever seen. I remeber while I was sleeping a cockroach crawled in my mouth and my grandpa had to pump it out of me. From that day on I never slept in that house again; either I went to sleep in the car or didn't go to sleep at all. The picture on the left gives you a visual of how big Mississippi's cockroahes are. I also had some good times, for example; the whole family would come together on really hot days and eat watermelon with salt. Now we ate watermelon with salt because it tasted way better than just the regular watermelon. It gives the watermelon a kick to the sweet juicy taste. My cousins and I would play Hungry Hungry Hippos, and I would always win because my cousins sucked at the game. In the end of the day Jackson, Mississippi is where I was born, but I will always claim Milwaukee to be my hometown.

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