Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well if i ever got mistreated i would say that it was in my 5th grade . At that time i was really young and I barely moved to a new home . Also i was in a new school so it was a differtent kinda place. When I barely got to this school i was really scared i had no firends and I remember when i went in that classroom for the first time. After a few days there was a kid that always kinda bothered me most of the time . I guess because i was the new kid I really didnt know english so he made fun of me or should i say my way of speaking english a little bit. He also bothered me in lunch most of the time . but i didnt do anything he wasnt a bad guy either so i feelt that even though he bothered me alot he could still be nice. But it all started to come better when one day we were in gym and i started playing soccer with other kids. I was joust playing normal like nothing happend untill this kid that always bother me . And he said he wanted to play soccer it took me a while to think because i wasnt sure i mean i was really surprised. But i let him play soccer with us and it wasnt a bad idea from my part because that day soccer made us connect . I didnt know he liked soccer like i did since that day on we became good friends and we still are joust talking about soccer and our lives .

One Life situation that i have to use money in my art it would be on my major broadcast Journalism In columbia. These an opportunity for me to do what i like and get paid of course after i finshed my four years in collge. I love sports I like talking about sports to other people and why not use these passion. But I first need to graduate from columbia and then from there i can go for my dream. When i always watch ESPN or other tv channel that talk about sports. I would imagine sometimes my self ont the other side of the tv . I would say to my self "how would it feel to be in the studios talking about joust sports" i would joust get excited about dreaming it. Hopefully i get that chance of being infront of the cameras one day and explaing or inform people about what is happening in sports that day . I know is not going to be easy but with hard work and passion for what you love anything is possible.

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