Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 7 - Blog Response

In "Take the Cannoli" Sarah Vowell had a dream to play in a band. She went through many instruments and had a passion for music. Do you have a passion for anything like music, a sport, cooking etc... and are you judged for it in your household or by others? Does this separate you from your friends and family or do you all enjoy it?


In the book " Lost in Place," Mark Salzman had an image of his Kung Fu  teacher, Sensi  O Keefe, as being a man you would see in a Martial Arts movie, with the bald head and long beard.  But, when he meets him Mark see's the complete opposite, a man with an eccentric style.  Has it ever been a time in your life, someone judged you from your appearance? Have you ever made judgments about someone based on their appearance? 

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