Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sebastian Hagan

Adventure is Adventure Whereever You Find it

I never really liked my home town. To me it was lame, boring and uneventful. In Salzman's book he describes his home town as being exceedingly similar as are our feelings about our home towns. We both needed something more and supplemented our boredom with personal enterprise.

long an s I could remember I always like to wander off. I could never just sit in my house doing nothing or watching TV. I didn’t need a group; in fact I liked going out alone. I always have a hunger for adventure. Even if that adventure may only be a 15 minute walk to seven eleven. In my mind anything could happen at any time. I would think "who will I see on the way; maybe I'll see something I would have missed if I were still at home. Being a Sagittarius it's in my blood to get out there and see things big and small to find new boundaries and expand the edges of my mental map. I love being with friends and I want to include as many people as possible when I go out on my excursions. For example, last summer, I was sitting inside with my friends watching them play videogames. I looked out the window and saw a blue sky and a vibrant sun and immediately jumped to my feet, startling the rest of my friends. I shouted at the top of my lung "SREW THIS STUPID VIDEOGAME SHIT, WERE GOING CAMPING....ON AN ISLAND". Everyone just laughed like I wasn’t serious. I proceeded to say that I was going that night and that if anyone wanted to come they were welcome to join. No one believed that I would actually do it, but I stated that I would return in 2 hours with a truck and all the gear. Two hours later I honked twice and my friends exited the house to see me with a truck with a canoe in the bed, a camping stove and 2 tents. That afternoon we went to an island, that I had found by looking at Google earth maps of the Delaware River not but an hour before, parked the car and proceeded to take everything to the island. I set up camp, because no one knew what they were doing, made a fire and looked around and said, "Ahhh, that’s better". After I made everyone dinner, Cajon chicken, I then proceeded to walk off for 2 hours. I like to experience things on my own. See things in silence. I love to just sink into nature, I feel like getting out of society resets me. So I suppose my safe haven is solitude and nature is my safe haven. Just like salzman's solitary meditation.

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