Thursday, August 11, 2011


Standing alone by myself is what I do every day. Walking around the streets of the Southside of Chicago makes me feel like an out cast all the time. Anytime I walk around my neighborhood I feel like I don't belong there. Everyone around me is so different, there isn't many people around my town who are trying to do something with their lives. Most of the people I see are either hanging out on the corner, asking for change, selling drugs, or gang banging. Those are things that I don't plan on participating in and for that I stand out strongly from everyone else. Especially, when Im walking down the street people look at me like, What am I doing around here? There has been times when I have been walking to the store and someone would ask me am I lost or something. It kind of made me laugh because, in my head I was screaming hell yeah but, on the outside I was like "no I live down the street." Although, I feel like an outcast in my neighborhood I also feel like an outcast any where I go, because, the way I look at situations in life are different, than the people around me. If Mark Salzman, the main character of the book Lost In Place, was in my situation I think that he would probably try to fit in with people of my neighborhood because, in the book he was trying so hard to fit in with the people around him. For example, when him and Micheal got drunk with Micheal's brothers he didnt want to feel like a sissy so he participated in the festivities. But, I will never try to fit in with other people because, I've been an outcast from the start and I will continue to be one in my heart.


In my life I have never had any career paths I wanted to explore except for music. There hasn't been any other things that interested me, but music. You can say that Im a musical baby because, all through my life growing up music has been my inspiration. I don't see myself doing anything different in my life but something wit music. Some people are shocked to know that I don't have a plan B in my life and that is because, I don't plan on failing plan A. I think I will never give up on my goal because music is my life and life is my music.

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